Two Feet Apart Podcast

About Season 1: A five-part story in which Patra shared a personal narrative encompassing topics often left unspoken: being partially adopted, navigating a Black identity in predominantly White spaces, discovering siblings later in life, experiencing marriage and separation at a young age, and coping with the homicide of her biological father. Uncertain of the podcast's direction initially, Patra aimed to normalize these experiences, with the belief that if it resonated with even one person, the mission would be accomplished.

About Season 2: The objective of Season 2 extends beyond personal narratives; it serves as a platform for guests to share their stories and vulnerable moments. The overarching goal is to disempower difficult experiences, channeling that energy to foster confidence. Recognizing the transformative power of safe spaces, what began as a personal sanctuary has evolved into a storytelling platform featuring over 45 (and counting) past guests. Topics have spanned from discussions on anti-racism and psychotherapy to explorations of finances and experiences with speed dating.

About Season 3: Season 3 is all about weaving narratives into bite-sized episodes that bring us closer to the people around us. Through storytelling, we aim to create a space where individuals can share their experiences and connect on a personal level. Each episode is a glimpse into someone's life, fostering understanding and building a sense of community. It's about celebrating the richness of diverse stories and finding the common threads that unite us.

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