A space to cultivate confidence and vulnerability in sharing your story.

[Image description: Graphic is made with line art. There are two different coloured legs (one a lighter shade of brown, one darker), crossing at the ankles, tip-toed on the middle mark of a ruler that is labelled “2 FEET”. There are two flowers on e…

[Image description: Graphic is made with line art. There are two different coloured legs (one a lighter shade of brown, one darker), crossing at the ankles, tip-toed on the middle mark of a ruler that is labelled “2 FEET”. There are two flowers on each side of the legs, along the ruler.]

I have an unwavering passion to positively influence, improve and impact the well-being of all other living things so that I can create a legacy worth writing about.

— Unknown

This website was created on Niitsítpiis-stahkoii ᖹᐟᒧᐧᐨᑯᐧ ᓴᐦᖾᐟ (Blackfoot / Niitsítapi ᖹᐟᒧᐧᒣᑯ) Territory.

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