Past Event (10.13.2022)

Caring for Caregivers featured a ‘choose your own adventure’ style professional photographer (headshots, portraits or family photos - whatever made guests feel good). A size & gender-inclusive stylist and make-up artist were also available for consultations.

Guests were encouraged to take extra time to check out well-loved local vendors, connect with the yoga instructors leading light stretching and breath work, spend some time relaxing or engaging with others at our farm-style networking tables and get a personalized commission from our on-site artist.

Non-profit donations and net proceeds went to Thirty-Eight - A fundraiser celebrating Indigenous resilience and distributed between Abbey House Transitional Home for Indigenous women & Manitoba Métis Federation, St. Eustache Local to support Indigenous youth.

All events are safe spaces where we welcome the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and child-minding is available at our events for those who want or need hands-free time to participate.